Ons eerst bericht voor 2008!!!! We hopen dat jullie allemaal een goede kerst en jaarwisseling hebben gehad!!!! De kerstavond hebben wij doorgebracht op de sitio waar Jander werkt met de jongens die daar wonen, en 1e kerstdag hebben we hier een barbecue gehouden voor een aantal vrienden! 2e kerstdag wordt hier niet gevierd! Oudejaarsavond hebben we gezellig met z’n tweetjes doorgebracht (Efraim sliep!)en het nieuwe jaar begonnen we goed met opnieuw een barbecue. De foto´s zijn alleen maar om jullie jaloers te maken hahahaha!!!!
Our first message in 2008!!!! We hope you all had some great holidays! Christmas Eve we spend at the farm where Jander works with the boys, and Christmas Day we had a barbecue at our place with a couple of friends. New years Eve we spend together, just the 2 of us (Efraim was sleeping), and the first day of the new year we started off really well with another barbecue. The pictures are just to make you guys feel jealous!
Nossa primeira mensagem em 2008! Esperamos que todos vcs tiveram um bom tempo no Natal e Ano Novo! Véspera de Natal nós passamos com os meninos no sítio onde Jander trabalha, e Natal passamos em casa onde fizemos um bom churrasco e passamos tempo com os amigos. A virada do ano passamos juntinhos, só nós dois (Efraim dormiu!). E começamos o Ano Novo muito bem com outro churrasco, piscina e amigos! As fotos só para dar um pouco de inveja, rsrsrsrs

Last week we went by car to a city called Goianinha, close to the famous city Natal for the wedding of Mirjam (Dutch) and Fabio (Brazilian) . It was 508 kms to get there, quite some distance, not normally something you´d do in Holland for just the weekend!, but it was so much worth it! We stayed at the place of Fabio´s friends, we went to the famous beach Pipa, and helped out a bit with the last preparations of the wedding. The wedding was beautiful (I had to translate and Jander played guitar) Sunday we headed back home!
Semana passada pagamos a estrada para ir para a cidade de Goianinha, perto de Natal (RN) para o casamento de Mirjam (holandesa) e Fabio (brasileiro). Era 508 kms até chegar lá, mas a viagem foi muito legal, valeu a pena! Fiacmos na casa de amigos do Fabio, visitamos a famosa praia Pipa e ajudamos um pouco com os últimos preparativos do casamento. O casamento foi lindo! (Eu tive que traduzir jander tocou violão)Domingo voltamos para casa

Gisteren (maandag) is Jander met de kombi (VW-busje) op pad gegaan om de jongens van zijn werk weer op te halen, die waren nl. een weekje bij hun familie geweest voor de jaarwisseling. Volgende week gaan de jongens mee op een kamp van de kerk, en deze week begint ook de King´s Kids campagne hier in Fortaleza.
Yesterday Jander took the kombi (VW-van) to go and pick up the boys of the farm who had spend a week with their families. Next week they´ll go to a church camp and this week also the king´s kids campaign of Fortaleza will start.
Ontem Jander pegou a combi para buscar os meninos do sitio que tinham passado uma semana com a famílis deles. Semana que vem eles vão participar de um acampamento para jovens da igreja e esta semana também a campagne de King´s Kids vai acontecer aqui na base de Fortaleza.

Op dit moment hebben we een groep van 11 man en een baby in huis. Vrienden van ons werken op de basis van Jeugd met een Opdracht in Crato (vlakbij Juazeiro do Norte) in net zo´n project als waar Jander werkt. Zij hebben daar 6 jongens wonen, die zijn hier nu, met de hele club op vakantie. Best gezellig zo´n grote groep!
At this moment we are hosting a group of 11 and a baby! We have friends working at the YWAMbase of Crato (close to Juazeiro do Norte) in a similar project as where Jander works. There they have 6 boys living, and they all came with staff to spend some holidays here, at our house!!! It´s fun having so many people around!
No momento temos um grupo de 11 pessoas e um bebe hospedados. Temos amigos que trabaham na base de JOCUM de Crato (perto de Juazeiro do Norte)com um projeto similar ao do Jander. Lá moram 6 meninos, e todos eles juntos com os obreiros vieram passar as férias aqui, em nossa casa! Está sendo muito legal com tanta gente aqui!

Well, now you know all about us and how we spent the holidays. Which by the way aren´t over yet here in Brazil. Many people are very busy preparing the upcoming carnival which will be early this year, in the first week of January. Our base will join the other base of the northeast of brazil for an evangelism campaign in Recife.
Bem, agora vcs já sabem como nós passamos os feriados! Agora os preparativos para o carnaval estão em todo canto! Nossa base vai se juntar com todas as outras base do Nordeste para fazer um impacto de evangelismo durante o carnaval em Recife.

Ook hebben we nog een mooi nieuwtje te vertellen, de mensen die onze nieuwsbrieven volgen hebben in het afgelopen jaar kunnen lezen over de 16 jarige Marcilene, een klasgenootje van Jander die een abortus wou plegen, maar uiteindelijk toch voor haar kindje heeft gekozen en inmiddels naar Rio de Janeiro is verhuisd met haar familie. Zij belde ons zondag op, en in dat gesprek vertelde ze dat ze ons advies heeft opgevolgd en nu naar de kerk toe gaat!!!! Geweldig om zo de vruchten van ons werk te mogen zien!!!
Also we have some other great news! People who have been reading our newsletters, have been able to follow the story of marcilene, 16 years old, a student-colleague of Jander, who wanted to do an abortion, but in the end she decided to choose for the life of here son, and she moved to rio de Janeiro with her family recently. Well, she has been calling us every once in a while, and last Sunday she told me she followed our advice and is going to church now! It is so good to be able to see the fruits of the work we do!
Também temos uma outra noticia bem legal! As pessoas que tem lido as nossa cartas informativas e mensagens no blog devem conhecer a historia de marcilene, de 16 anos, colega da sala do Jander que queria fazer um aborto. Mas ela escolheu pela vida do filho dela, recentemente ela mudou com a familia para rio de janeiro. As vezes ela liga para falar com a gente, e quando falei com ela Domingo no telefone, ela me contou que segiu o conselho que a gente deu para ela e ela agora está frequentando uma igreja!!!!! É tão bom poder os frutos do nosso trabalho!

2 Leave your comment here:
Dear Mel and Jander, how lovely to read about your Christmas! You look so well and sound so well! Keep the updates coming!
Hug from Els
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