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I´d like to ask you to read is whole post. As many of you know we´ve been working for 2,5 years at the Friendly Hand project of YWAM Fortaleza. One of the things we started at the project was the discipleshipgroup on Saturdays. We were very happy to find out the 3 of the teenagers we´ve discipled (together with the other staff) have a desire to do the next DTS (Discipleship Training School, I wrote about taht in an earlier message, if you want to read more about it). It´s a great challenge for them, their parents don´t even have a regular wage and they´ll have to pay about 1000 US$ for the first theory phase and 4500 for the practical phase. We´re very impressed with their faith and trust in God, to help them we decided to put their newsletter on our blog. We´de like you to pray for them. So please meet: Geici, Valdiane and Cristiano (If you want to help them financially please contact us)
Hi! My name is Geici, I am 18 years old, and live in a small city called Aquiraz, close to Fortaleza in the Northeast of Brazil. I´d like to share a little bit my life. I make part of the project Mão Amiga (=Friendly Hand, a community development project of Youth with a Mission (YWAM ). And I would like to tell about the blessings God is pouring on my life and as a consequence on the lives of other people. I´ve been part of this project since I was 14 years old. I started as a student within the various workshops and participated in the discipleship group on Saturdays. To tell the truth I had many difficulties with the Bible and did not like the idea of being a Christian. But God put some blessed persons in my life that helped me a lot. And today it is impossible for me to live without the Bible, since that time God started to work in my life in a fantastic way. Because every day that went by I could see more of the Glory of God and the wonderful things that God could do in my life. Since that time I decided to do everything for the glory of God in the first place. I try always to think if what I do will bless the life of the other person.
On the 26th of September 2007 I confirmed my commitment with Jesus, when I was baptized at the Presbyterian Church in the community where I live. I am very happy to have Jesus in my heart, as He is the Lord and Savior of my life.
Helping the children of the community
Currently I work as a voluntary at the project Mão Amiga/Friendly Hand and this makes me very happy because every day I can look at the children of the community where I live and see that in a way I can contribute to their lives, knowing that they have the same opportunity that I had. And not only for the children, but also for the people around me.
What´s on my heart.
I told a little bit about my story so that you could know me better and see that God is blessing me and preparing me to be a good tool to be used by Him. I have been praying for a while and God has been sharing about doing a DTS (Discipleship Training School) and every day I pray more because this is the plan that God put on my heart, and I also know that His plans won´t be frustrated. I would like to ask you if you could pray with all of your heart and understanding and could ask God if you could help me financially or in prayer to put one more step on the infinite steps of the stairway of the Kingdom of God. I would really like you to reflect on the word of God in which way you can bless me.
Helping the children of the community
Currently I work as a voluntary at the project Mão Amiga/Friendly Hand and this makes me very happy because every day I can look at the children of the community where I live and see that in a way I can contribute to their lives, knowing that they have the same opportunity that I had. And not only for the children, but also for the people around me.
What´s on my heart.
I told a little bit about my story so that you could know me better and see that God is blessing me and preparing me to be a good tool to be used by Him. I have been praying for a while and God has been sharing about doing a DTS (Discipleship Training School) and every day I pray more because this is the plan that God put on my heart, and I also know that His plans won´t be frustrated. I would like to ask you if you could pray with all of your heart and understanding and could ask God if you could help me financially or in prayer to put one more step on the infinite steps of the stairway of the Kingdom of God. I would really like you to reflect on the word of God in which way you can bless me.
My name is Valdiane, I am 18 years old. For 6 years I have been in the project Friendly Hand (community development project of YWAM). Before my life was a lot of confusion, I did not have a good relationship with the people. But during these years I have learned many things about God and His son. People who helped me study the word of God taught me a lot. Today my life is different, Jesus changed my life. I really love Jesus and recognize that He is the one and only Savior and Lord.

The most striking moment of my life
That was on the 26th of August when I declared that I am a child of God, and I gave my life to Jesus. He is my only Lord and Savior. That was the day when I was baptized in the Presbyterian Church in the community where I live. It´s wonderful to have Jesus in my heart, I am very grateful to have Him as my Savior.
Cooperating in the Kingdom.
In the second semester I was invited to help in the project Friendly Hand. Because they needed somebody to teach English to the children. I was able to teach them what I have learnt. It was a nice experience for me. After a long time I have been only receiving, and now I could pass on a little of what I have learned so far. Besides being able to share the love of God to them.
Obeying God
In the past months God has been working in my life, the possibility to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School) at YWAM (Youth with a Mission) Fortaleza with a focus on China. God has been showing me clearly what He wants and all I can do is obey. The circumstances are difficult, the financial part especially is complicated as I will need 8000 R$ (+/- 4500 US$). This amount is difficult for me to gather, but even so I choose to believe, as my God is the God of the impossible. And even more, God would not put something on my heart in vain. I´m counting on your prayers for my walk with God. I really need you a lot. “But the Lord said to me, “ Do not say I am only a child.´You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you and will rescue you´, declares the Lord. ´Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you´, declares the Lord.“ Jeremiah 1: 7-8

The most striking moment of my life
That was on the 26th of August when I declared that I am a child of God, and I gave my life to Jesus. He is my only Lord and Savior. That was the day when I was baptized in the Presbyterian Church in the community where I live. It´s wonderful to have Jesus in my heart, I am very grateful to have Him as my Savior.
Cooperating in the Kingdom.
In the second semester I was invited to help in the project Friendly Hand. Because they needed somebody to teach English to the children. I was able to teach them what I have learnt. It was a nice experience for me. After a long time I have been only receiving, and now I could pass on a little of what I have learned so far. Besides being able to share the love of God to them.
Obeying God
In the past months God has been working in my life, the possibility to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School) at YWAM (Youth with a Mission) Fortaleza with a focus on China. God has been showing me clearly what He wants and all I can do is obey. The circumstances are difficult, the financial part especially is complicated as I will need 8000 R$ (+/- 4500 US$). This amount is difficult for me to gather, but even so I choose to believe, as my God is the God of the impossible. And even more, God would not put something on my heart in vain. I´m counting on your prayers for my walk with God. I really need you a lot. “But the Lord said to me, “ Do not say I am only a child.´You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you and will rescue you´, declares the Lord. ´Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you´, declares the Lord.“ Jeremiah 1: 7-8
Hello! My name is Cristiano. I’m just 17 years old and my church is called the Independent Presbyterian of Brazil. I live in Aquiraz, Ceará, in the Northeast of Brazil. I’m in the Friendly Hand Project of YWAM Fortaleza/CE since 2002, and during this time I have learned to speak English and to play guitar, but mostly to learn who is Jesus I have seen how God has changed me and I want to enjoy the Relationship with him. I believe that God has been making me ready and that´s why I am looking for my place in the Kingdom of God. In August/2007 I was baptized in my church. It was wonderful.

In the second semester of 2007 I could help the project teaching how to play guitar to the children. It was a new experience to me. I loved it and it gave me more responsibility.
I want to know about God more, and to have a bigger intimacy with Him. Because of this I’m preparing myself to do DTS-Discipleship and Training School/YWAM-Fortaleza. I need to affront two troubles: the first is my age, because the necessary age is 18 for making my practical time outside of Brazil, the second is the financial condition. If the leaders from DTS accept me to do practical time in Brazil, I need +/- $4500 It is very expensive for me, but I want to ask you to pray for me, I know that God is the owner of all gold and silver and He controls everything.
Hello! My name is Cristiano. I’m just 17 years old and my church is called the Independent Presbyterian of Brazil. I live in Aquiraz, Ceará, in the Northeast of Brazil. I’m in the Friendly Hand Project of YWAM Fortaleza/CE since 2002, and during this time I have learned to speak English and to play guitar, but mostly to learn who is Jesus I have seen how God has changed me and I want to enjoy the Relationship with him. I believe that God has been making me ready and that´s why I am looking for my place in the Kingdom of God. In August/2007 I was baptized in my church. It was wonderful.

In the second semester of 2007 I could help the project teaching how to play guitar to the children. It was a new experience to me. I loved it and it gave me more responsibility.
I want to know about God more, and to have a bigger intimacy with Him. Because of this I’m preparing myself to do DTS-Discipleship and Training School/YWAM-Fortaleza. I need to affront two troubles: the first is my age, because the necessary age is 18 for making my practical time outside of Brazil, the second is the financial condition. If the leaders from DTS accept me to do practical time in Brazil, I need +/- $4500 It is very expensive for me, but I want to ask you to pray for me, I know that God is the owner of all gold and silver and He controls everything.
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