

28-12-2009 (Monday, 2aFeira, Maandag)

I have to take care of somethings at the bank, while I go and do business, Jander takes Efraim for a nice walk.

Eu preciso fazer algumas coisas no banco, então enquanto eu faço os meus negócios, Jander leva Efraim para uma boa caminhada.

Ik moet wat dingetjes regelen bij de bank, dus terwijl ik mijn zaken doe, neemt Jander Efraim mee voor een mooie wandeling.


At night Elise comes and has dinner with us.

A noite Elise vem jantar com a gente.

‘s Avonds eet Elise bij ons.


29-12-2009 (Tuesday, 3a Feira, Dinsdag)

I give my first ever scrapbookworkshop, it was so much fun to do, I really enjoy giving these workshops! Also I’m working on our newsletter that has to be printed, copied, etc. I am so tired today…

Hoje dei o meu primeiro workshop de Scrapbook (fazer album de fotos), foi muito divertido e estou curtindo muito para dar estes workshops! Também começei fazer a carta informativa que precisa ser imprimido, copiado etc. Hoje foi bem cansativo…

Vandaag heb ik mijn eerste Scrapbook workshop gegeven, het was echt ontzettend leuk, de workshops vind ik echt heel leuk om te geven! Ook ben ik aan de gang gegaan met de nieuwsbrief, printen, kopieren etc. Ik wordt er moe van….


30-12-2009 (Wednesday, 4aFeira, Woensdag)

Efraim is sick, he has a high fever and does not want to eat anything, he is on the couch watching dvd’s the whole day, nothing for this usually so active boy….. At night Mirjam en Junior, her parents, my parents gather at our place for a fun and pleasant evening together!

Efraim está doente, ele tem febre alta e não quer comer, eles está na sofa o dia todo assistindo DVD, geralmente ele é tão ativo….. A noite Mirjam e Junior vem com os pais dela e com meus pais aqui em casa para ter um tempo muito legal e agradável juntos!

Efraim is ziek, hij heeft hoge koorts en ligt de hele dag op de bank DVDtjes te kijken, niks voor dit anders zo actieve kereltje…..’s avonds komen Mirjam & Junior met haar ouders en mijn ouders bij ons voor een gezellige avond samen!

31-12-2009 (Thursday, 5a Feira, Donderdag)

Some last minute grocery shopping for the next few days, the supermarket is crowded!!!!! Efraim is still not a 100% but at least by the afternoon the fever’s gone and so we went off to Gert and Jennifer to spend some precious time together as friends! Ofcourse we had homemade ‘oliebollen’!

Algumas ultimas compras para os proximos dias, mas o supermercado está lotado! Efraim ainda não está 100% melhor, mas a tarde ele não teve mais febre então a gente foi para casa de Gert e Jennifer para ter um tempo bem precioso junto com amigos! Claro que comemos oliebollen!

Nog even snel wat boodschappen doen voor de komende dagen, het is druk in de supermarkt! Efraim is nog steeds niet helemaal 100% maar de koorts is ‘s middags gelukkig wel weg en dus kunnen we gewoon richting Gert en Jennifer om een goede tijd samen te hebben, En natuurlijk aten we zelfgemaakte oliebollen!


Also we had some nice fireworks for the kids!

Também tem fogos artificiais para as crianças!

En vuurwerk voor de kids natuurlijk!


Happy NewYear!

Feliz Ano Novo!

Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!


01-01-2010 (Friday, 6aFeira, vrijdag)

Today we went to visit my grandmother in Assen, also my uncle, aunt, and cousins were there. The picture shows the proud grandmother with her 2 greatgrandsons!

Hoje fomos visitar minha avó em Assen, meu tio e tia e primos também estavam lá. A foto mostra minha avó orgulhosamente com os 2 bisnetos dela!

Vandaag op bezoek bij oma in Assen, ook mijn oom en tante, neefje en nichtje en aanhang waren daar. Op de foto zie je mijn oma trots met haar 2 achterkleinzoons!


02-01-2010 (Saturday, Sábado, Zaterdag)


We dropped Efraim off at my parentes and we went on by train to Amsterdam! This is such a crazy city, you can hear so many diferent languages. (It’s like Babel in more than 1 way….) We had a tour by boat through the canals, that’s something Jander had never done and sure is something you can’t miss!!! Than after a quick lunch at crowded KFC we went on to Madame Tussaud. It was great to be able to spend some time out together!


Deixamos Efraim com meus pais e partimos de trem para Amsterdam! Esta cidade é loucura, vc escuta pessoas falando em tantas linguas diferentes. (É como Babel em vários sentidos…) Fizemos um tour de barco pelas canais, uma coisa que Jander ainda nunca tinha feito e Não pode perder isto! Depois um rapido lanche no KFC fomos para o mueseu Madame Tussaud. Foi maravilhoso poder ter este tempo de sair juntos!


We hebben Efraim bij mijn ouders gedropt en gaan verder met de trein richting Amsterdam. Wat een gekke stad is dit toch, je hoort hier zoveel verschillende talen (net als Babel in meer dan 1 opzicht….) We hebben een tocht met de boot door de kanalen gemaakt, dat had Jander nog nooit gedaan en dat kan je toch niet missen als je in Amsterdam bent! Na een snelle snack in een overvol KFC gingen we door naar Madame Tussaus. Het was super om zo lekker met z’n tweetjes er even tussenuit te zijn!

03-01-2010 (Sunday, Domingo, Zondag)

After church we went to the trainstation again. Efraim really loves trains and so we really wanted to take him on the train as well. We were going to visit Annemaaike (Michiels sisters) & Johan and they happen to live close to a trainstation near Utrecht, so off we went, 1:25 hours by train. Efraim was quite impressed, not sure if it was really that much exciting as he imagined it would be….


Depois da igreja fomos para estação de trem de novo. Efraim realmente gosta de trens, e a gente queria muito levar ele para passear de trem. A gente foi visitar Annemaaike (irmã de Michile) & Johan , e eles moram perto de um estação de trem perto de Utrecht, foram 1 hora e 24 minutos de trem. Efraim ficou impressionado mas não sei se estava tão empolgante quanto ele achava que iria ser…..

Na de kerk gingen we weer door naar het treinstation. Efraim is echt gek van treinen en we wilden hem dan natuurlijk ook graag eens meenemen in de trein. We gingen op bezoek bij Annemaaike (zus van Michiel) & Johan, en toevallig wonen die vlak bij een station net voorbij Utrecht, 1:25 met de trein. Efraim was er van onder de indruk maar of het nou zo geweldig was als hij dacht dat het zou zijn………


We had a fun time together and enjoyed the good food and good company!

Foi um tempo muito legal untos com boa comida e bom compania!

We hadden een goede tijd samen met goed eten en goed gezelschap!


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