
Week 10

04-01-2010 (Monday, 2aFeira, Maandag)

There’s still snow, unbelievable, I take Efraim to visit my friend Marga with the sled, but the snow is too thick and it’s too heavy, going back to get my bike!!!!

Ainda tem muita neve, inacreditavel, levei Efraim a pé de trenó, mas a neve é tão profundo que fica bem pesado, voltei para casa para trocar, vamos de bicicleta mesmo!

Ongelofelijk, er is nog steeds zoveel sneeuw, I neem Efraim mee op de slee naar Marga toe, maar de sneeuw is zo diep, het is te zwaar, ik ga snel were terug en ruil de slee om, toch maar met de fiets!


05-01-2010 (Tuesday, 3a Feira, Dinsdag)

I had to take care of some things in the centre, postoffice etc. The rest of the day we stay at home, it’s too cold outside! Who needs a fridge when it’s so cold outside?

Tive que fazer umas coisas no centro da cidade, no correiros etc. O resto do dia ficamos em casa, estão frio demais lá fora! Quem precisa de geladeira quando está tão frio lá fora?

Ik moest wat dingetjes regelen in het centrum en postkantoor, de rest van de dag blijven we lekker thuis, het is veel te koud buiten! Wie heeft er nog een koelkast nodig als het buiten zo koud is?


06-01-2010 (Wednesday, 4aFeira, Woensdag)

We took Efraim to a place with hills to slide, but today is not his day, he is very cranky, cries and screams, not a fun day to take pictures, let’s go home….

Levamos Efraim para um lugar para escorregar de morros, mas hoje não é o dia dele, ele está muito aborrecido, chora e gritas, hoje nã é um dia legal para tirar fotos, vamos para casa logo….

We namen Efraim mee naar de zandverstuiving om van de heuvels af te sleëen, maar hij heeft zijn dag niet vandaag, hij is chagerijnig, huilt en schreeuwt, geen goede dag om foto’s te maken, we gaan gauw weer naar huis….

07-01-2010 (Thursday, 5a Feira, Donderdag)

My friend Jeannette came for some tea, it was so nice to chat with her. Jander left to go to Zwolle in the afternoon and at night I gave another workshop in Putten for Carla and her friends. When I drove back it started snowing again!

Minha amiga Jeannette veio para tomar chá, foi tão bom poder conversar com ela. Jander foi para Zwolle a tarde e a noite dei outro workshop em Putten para Carla e as amigas dela, quando voltei de carro começou nevar de novo!

Mijn vriendin Jeannette kwam gezllig voor een bakkie thee, het was zo leuk om weer even bij te kletsen. ‘s Middags ging Jander even naar Zwolle en ;s avonds ging ik weer richting Putten om een workshop te geven voor Carla en haar vriendinnen, toen ik terugreed begon het weer te sneeuwen!


Efraim likes to buikd high towers!

Efraim gosta de construir torres altas!

Efraim bouwt graag hoge torens!

08-01-2010 (Friday, 6aFeira, vrijdag)


Efraim had the most wonderful morning, we got to go to the firestation and look at the firetrucks, we even got to go on a ride with a firetruck, Efraim really loves the firestation, he always gets so exited when we pass there, so this was really special for him!


Efraim tinha a manhã mais maravilhosa, a gente podia visitar os bombeiros, e olhar todos os carros, a gente até mesmo podia andar em um dos carros. Efraim realmente gosta de bombeiros, cada vez que passamos lá de carro ele fica empolgado, então isto foi muito especial para ele!


Deze ochtend was erg speciaal voor Efraim, we mochten de brandweerkazerne bezoeken, we hebben al de autos bekeken en mochten zelfs een ritje maken in één van de autos. Efraim is echt helemaal gek van de brandweer, elke keer als we er langs rijden wordt hij helemaal enthousiast, dus dit was echt heel bijzonder voor hem!

09-01-2010 (Saturday, Sábado, Zaterdag)

In the morning GertJan comes and he and Jander spend a good time talking, in the afternoon we would have spend some time with my family, my aunt, uncle and cousins, but the weather precictions are so bad that we have to cancel, my cousins have to come from far away. At night I have to minister at a groupd of teenagers, I need help to be able to get away because of the big amount of snow! The group was very good, there were more than 100 teenagers, and 30 rose when I challenged them to go and walk int he dreams and plans God has for them!

De manhã GertJan vem e ele e Jander passam um bom tempo conversando, a tarde a gente ia encontrar com minha família, minha tia, meu tia, minhas primas etc. Mas a previsão do tempo é tão mal que tivemos que cancelar, minhas primas tem que vir de longe. A noiye tive que ministrar em um grupo de adolescentes, I preciso de ajuda para poder sair, por causa de grande quantidade de neve o carro ficou preso! O grupo de adolescntes foi muito bom, tinha mais que 100 adolescentes, e uns 30 se levantaram quando fiz a desafio de começar andar nos sonhos e planos de Deus para vida deles!

‘s Ochtends kwam GertJan langs en hij en Jander hebben een lang en goed gesprek. Die middag zouden we mijn familie zien (oom, tante, nichtjes etc) maar vanwege de slechte weersverwachting moeten we het aflassen, een gedeelthe van de familie moest nl vanuit Groningen komen! ‘s Avonds moest ik spreken op een tienergroep, ik had eerst wel hulp nodig om uberhaupt met de auto weg te kunnen door de grote hoeveelheid sneeuw kwam ik vast te zitten! De tienergroep was erg goed, er waren meer dan 100 tieners en zo’n 30 gingen er staan toen ik ze uitdaagde om te gaan wandelen inde dromen en plannen die God voor ze heeft!

10-01-2010 (Sunday, Domingo, Zondag)

We were supposed to share about our work in a church in Amsterdam and afterwards spend time with friends there, but this also had to be canceled, I was so bummed about this, I was looking forward to it, but there is a weather alarm and having to travel with Efraim and a car that is not ours we just couldn’t take the risk.

A gente ia para uma igreja em Amsterdam para compartilhar de nosso trabalho, e depois gastar tempo com amigos, mas isto também tivemos que cancelar, ficquei tão triste com isto, eu queria muito ter ido, mas teve um ‘alarma do tempo’ e já que a gente tinha que viegar com Efraim e com um carro que não é nosso a gente não podia arriscar.

We zouden wat delen over ons werk in een kerk in Amsterdam, en daarna naar vrienden daar, maar ook dit moesten we aflassen, ik baalde daar zo van want ik had er erg naar uitgekeken. Maar ja, met het weeralarm, en Efraim in de auto, met een auto die bovendien niet van onszelf is kunnen we het risico niet nemen.


Jander’s clearing the snow, the wind formed snow-dunes and at some places the snow is until our knees!

Jander arrumando a neve, o vento formou dunas de neve e em alguns lugares tem neve até o joelho!

Jander ruimt de sneeuw, de wind heeft zulke hoge sneeuwduinen gevormd, op sommige plekken tot onze knieen!


Marga comes with Munda so that he and Efraim can play outside in the snow, the have so much fun together!

Marga vem com Munda para que os dois podem brincar juntos lá fora na neve, os dois se divertem muito juntos!

Marga komt langs met Munda zodat hij en Efraim lekker buiten in de sneeuw kunnen spele, ze hebben veel lol samen!

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