Well, I´m not going to bore you to explain what sinterklaas is, let´s just say it´s the Dutch version of Santaclaus but diferent, we celebrate it on the 5th of December and we came together with 6 Dutchies and 2 Brazilians (the hubbies...). We moved our livingroom furniture outside where we had a great time!!! Now we´re wondering if Santaclaus will come by as well....

EFRAIM IS POTTY TRAINED!!!In the newsletter you can read more about the daily adventures of Efraim. Inspite of him already being 2,5 years old, he´s still not speaking a lot, even though he can let us know very well what he wants, and he really DOES know what he wants! But well, he is learning new words every day, he likes to repeat everything, and he loves to sing. But the most important latest news on Efraims is that he is now potty trained during the day, that saves us a lot of money on diapers, (but now we have many trips going to the bathroom). Here are some of the latest pictures, these sunglasses he got at Sundayschool when they learned about he blind man who Jesus cured!
Right now the temperatures are very hot here, and nothing´s better than a home made fruit popsicles!!!


At the end of last month we were happy to go to a conference with Jaime Kemp, an international known christian writer of books about marriage and children. We were really happy to be able to go to the conference and we have learned a lot. Also it was good to be able to do something just the 2 of us. Efraim spend the night at the YWAM base and had a great time as well!

For more about Melanie ´s ministry:
For more about Jander´s ministry:

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