
Vakantie 2011: YWAM Assembly

De nationale YWAM bijeenkomst vond plaats in Caldas Novas, Goiânia. Deze plek staat bekend om zijn natuurlijke warmwaterbronnen! We verbleven in één van de hotels van het conferentieoord. We waren met het vliegtuig naar Belo Horizonte gegaan, en 2 dagen later gingen we samen met de basis van Belo met de bus (+/- 12 uur) naar Caldas Novas
The national YWAM meeting was in Caldas Novas, Goiânia, known for its natural hot water wells! We stayed at one of the hotels of a conference complex. We went to Belo Horizonte by plane, and 2 days later we went ith the base from Belo by bus (+/- 12 hours) to Caldas Novas
A assembléia nacional de jocum foi em Caldas Novas, Goiânia. Lugar conhecido pelas fones naturais de agua quente! Ficamos em um dos hoteis de SESC. Fomos para Belo Horizonte de avião e 2 dias depois fomos com a base de BH de onibus (+/- 12 horas) para Caldas Novas
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We genoten van de zwembaden
We enjoyed the swimmingpools
Curtimos as piscinas
´s Morgens en ´s avonds waren er diensten, elke dienst stond een regio van Brazilie centraal,De dienst waarin het noordoosten (onze regio!) centraal stond was een groot feest met dans en muziek!
Every morning and evening there were services, every services was about a certain region of Brazil. The service about the northeast (our region!) was one big festie party with dance and music!
Pela manhã e a noite tinha cultos, cada culto tinha foco em determinado região do Brasil.O culto sobre o Nordeste (nossa região!) foi uma grande feste com danças e músicas!
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Efraim gng naar de speciale kinderdiensten toe georganiseerd door het Kings Kids team
Efraim went to the special children´s services, organised by Kings Kids
Efraim participou dos cultos especiais para crianças, organisadas pela equipe de Kings Kids 
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Tijdens een dienst deden we voorbede op een enorme zeil met daarop al de landen
During one of the services we had intercession on a huge map with all the countries
Durante um dos cultos fizemos intercessão em cima de uma mapa enorme com todos os países
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Op een gegeven moment kwamen al de kinderen en tieners in het midden van de wereldkaart zodat we voor ze konden bidden
At a certain moment all the children and teenagers came in the middle of the map so we could pray for them.
Em certo momento as crianças e adolescentes chegaram no meio da mapa para que a gente podia orar por eles.
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Ook was het heerlijk om lekker tijd door te brengen met vrienden die we vaak al langere tijd niet hadden gezien!
Also it was lovely to be able to spend time with friends we hadn´t seen in such a long time!
Também foi muito bom poder gastar tempo com amigos que a gente já não havia visto há muito tempo!
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